Adventure Time made its debut on Cartoon Network during what could be considered as their modern golden era of outstanding shows. By the time its final episode aired, the show had already etched its way into pop culture. Once more, despite it cutesy aesthetics and characters names (like bubble gum princess), many believed that the show had several adult undertones that was meant for a much older audience than the apparent target audience. In step The Midnight Gospel, a new animated show from Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward, which based on its first trailer, it's clear that this show is for adults. According To Netflix: Traversing trippy worlds inside his universe simulator, a space caster explores existential questions about life, death and everything in between. Seeing the now oh so familiar Adventure Time mixed with F-bombs dropping left and right is definitely trippy as F*&k. However, similar to Justin Roiland's new show Solar Opposites, I am must admit it is intriguing to see what these creators can cook up without all the restrictions that come with being on network cable. The Midnight Gospel's season will premiere this April 20th on Netflix. -YOU MAY ALSO BE INTERESTED IN
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AuthorHey I am Marlon Mcfarlane the writer here at Blue Crescent Studio & a longtime lover of all things Animation & Gaming. EDITOR'S CHOICEArchives
January 2024