Despite celebrating its monumental 100th year of existence, all is not well at the house of mouse. Disney has faced setbacks, including box office flops, lawsuits, and challenges within its once unbeatable cash cow, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Even the usually reliable Disney Animation department has hit a rough patch, with films like Elemental and Wish failing to set the world ablaze. As we reflect on the challenges of the past year, the question arises: can Disney Animation bounce back in 2024?
With the likes of Encanto and Coco, Disney is no stranger to taking us on grand emotional rollercoasters during Thanksgiving, but dropped the ball with last year's Strange World. This time Wish is in the big holiday spotlight, but is it a return to form for Disney? Or are movie goers better off wishing for another film? Here's the review roundup:
Ok...honest time...I absolutely hated the previous 2 Troll movies. I believed that despite skewing to the younger audience with a peppering of popular music here and there, I never held back my punches in my own critical analysis. But get this... major film critics agrees with me (a me) as they bestowed low scores after low scores on Rotten Tomatoes. But clearly...these films have an audience that keeps buying tickets as somehow we arrive at a 3rd film. Is it third time the charm? Here's Troll Band Together Review Roundup:
AuthorHey I am Marlon Mcfarlane the writer here at Blue Crescent Studio & a longtime lover of all things Animation & Gaming. EDITOR'S CHOICEArchives
January 2024