In the world of animated series, there are few franchises as iconic and enduring as Sonic the Hedgehog. Since his debut in 1991, Sonic has been captivating audiences with his speed, attitude, and adventures. While the blue blur is primarily associated with video games, he also made a significant impact in the realm of anime with "Sonic X." In this article, we'll take a trip down memory lane, exploring the origin, impact, and legacy of the beloved anime series, "Sonic X."
If you're a parent, chances are you've heard the familiar call, "No job is too big, no pup is too small!" ringing through your living room as your child's favorite pups spring into action on your television screen. Well, get ready to experience the Paw Patrol like never before, as they embark on their biggest mission yet on the silver screen. "Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie" has finally arrived in theaters, promising a cinematic adventure that's sure to leave both kids and adults on the edge of their seats. Is it a mighty upgrade to the first Paw Patrol film? Here's the review roundup:
In the early 2000s, a trio of stylish, smart, and sassy spies burst onto our television screens, captivating the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide. "Totally Spies" was more than just an animated series; it was a cultural phenomenon that left an indelible mark on a generation. As we look back on this iconic show, let's explore its origin, its impact on pop culture, and its enduring legacy.
To say that Xbox (and Xbox only owners) need a First-Party win is an understatement. The console may not be floundering in sales like its predecessor Xbox One, but it still some distance behind its main rival the PS5. Luckily, Bethesda next grand epic adventure Starfield, was billed as Microsoft's knight in shinning armor. Did it succeed? Or are Xbox only owners doomed to isolation like the deepest part of space? Here's the review roundup:
Growing up in the 1990s, one cartoon character stood out as the epitome of coolness and charisma for many of us: Johnny Bravo. With his signature shades, bulging muscles, and slicked-back blonde hair, Johnny Bravo captured the hearts and imaginations of kids and adults alike. This article explores the enduring legacy of Johnny Bravo, examining his early success, cultural impact, controversies, and relevance in the ever-changing landscape of animation.
There have been many (and I mean MANY!!) adaptations of the character of the Monkey King, as well as, the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West he hails from, over the years. So naturally, Netflix and their billions decided to try their hand at it with the release of their very own animated film. But does The Monkey King do the legend justice? Or is this another forgettable copy cat? Here's the review roundup:
AuthorHey I am Marlon Mcfarlane the writer here at Blue Crescent Studio & a longtime lover of all things Animation & Gaming. EDITOR'S CHOICEArchives
January 2024