This past weekend prominent online anime streaming service Crunchy Roll debut its new anime series Dr. Stone. Based on the manga written by Riichiro Inagaki, the plot centres around title character Senku, A boy of science with almost superhuman intellect, knowledge, and an insatiable curiosity. You can see him and this world in action with a look at the premier trailer below. Crunchy Roll's Official Story Synopsis: Several thousand years after a mysterious phenomenon turned all of humanity to stone, Senku Ishigami awakens. Facing a world of stone and the total collapse of civilization, Senku makes up his mind to use science to rebuild the world. Starting with his super strong childhood friend Taiju Oki, who awakened at the same time, they will begin to rebuild civilization from nothing! The plot and world have definitely piqued my interest despite the yet again anime troupe of 'kids saving the world' being present. See if the Doc and his friends succeed in restoring civilization as the rest of season 1 will be simulcast each Fridays at 9:30am EST for Crunchy Roll members. Otherwise, for more animation news, check out the new trailer for BlueSky Studio's Spies in Disguise.
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AuthorHey I am Marlon Mcfarlane the writer here at Blue Crescent Studio & a longtime lover of all things Animation & Gaming. EDITOR'S CHOICEArchives
January 2024